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Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Recognizing Men as Victims of Domestic Violence

Writer's picture: Zubair Qureshi Zubair Qureshi

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

In order to break free from the shackles of gendered norms, it is important for us to shed light on this unaddressed plight.

In recent times, Kashmir has witnessed a concerning rise in domestic violence cases, with a significant number of men experiencing abuse, depression, and stress. The mushrooming of such cases, where women allegedly misuse domestic violence as a tool to tarnish the image of innocent men, has created an alarming situation. As a result, an unfortunate consequence looms over the region - a potential reluctance among men to enter into marriage. The ground realities depict a scenario where abuse, humiliation, complaints, and a lack of tolerance by wives have become commonplace. Men have emerged as real victims of domestic violence, yet their plight often goes unnoticed, with few voices raised in their defense. It is high time we shed light on this unaddressed issue and acknowledge the need for change.

Domestic violence is a societal problem that affects both men and women. However, the prevailing social construct tends to associate domestic violence primarily with women as victims and men as perpetrators. This bias not only overlooks the experiences of male victims but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes that hinder progress towards gender equality. It is essential to recognize that men can also fall victim to abuse, be it physical, emotional, or psychological, within the confines of their own homes.

The Supreme Court of India itself has acknowledged that a considerable number of domestic violence cases filed by women against men are false and fabricated. This acknowledgment reinforces the urgent need to view false cases seriously and address the misuse of laws meant to protect victims. The focus should be on promoting genuine gender equality and safeguarding the rights and well-being of all individuals, irrespective of their gender.

Addressing the issue of domestic violence against men requires a multi-faceted approach. First and foremost, society must break free from preconceived notions and gender stereotypes that perpetuate the idea that men are immune to abuse. Awareness campaigns and educational initiatives can play a crucial role in challenging these deeply ingrained biases and promoting empathy, understanding, and support for male victims.

Legal reforms should also be considered to ensure fair treatment and protection for men facing domestic violence. The legal system must be vigilant in identifying false accusations and providing swift and unbiased justice. Support systems, such as helplines and counseling services, need to be accessible and inclusive, catering to the specific needs of male victims.

Equally important is encouraging open dialogue and creating safe spaces for men to share their experiences without fear of judgment or ridicule. By acknowledging male victims of domestic violence, we foster an environment where men feel comfortable seeking help, and society can collectively work towards eradicating this pervasive issue.

It is crucial for all stakeholders - individuals, communities, organizations, and the government - to come together and recognize that domestic violence knows no gender boundaries. Only by addressing the problem holistically can we pave the way for a society that stands against all forms of abuse.


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